I've been thinking a little more about the
North American Security plan and one thing that's occurred to me is that the timing is mighty interesting. Just at the point where we pass a bill on SSM, something that the Bush Administration (and their supporters) are clearly not in favour of, we also sign off on a Security plan that is something the
Americans have wanted for a while. A bit of horse trading perhaps? Not only, but the Liberals do realize that at the end of the day, what keeps their business supporters happy is an open border. Delays, even for tourists, will mess with our economy. It's not good to put all our eggs in one basket, true, and I hope we continue to diversify. But right now, trade with the U.S.
pays for a lot of social programs. If Bush decides to slap something like the
Nixon 10% surtax on Canadian imports due to the trade deficit, things could get messy.
I haven't read through all the agreement, but I suspect that the issue of common regulations might move a little less quickly then sharing intelligence. I don't really object to the latter, so long as it goes both ways and no Canadian citizens get messed with, like
Maher Arar.
I think, so long as we cooperate here on Security, Bush has other things to worry than picking fights with Canada. Now, right-wing fundamentalists (are their left wing fundamentalists?) in the U.S. are another story. The fact that they are funding
Canadian religious groups in the fight against SSM in much more objectionable to me. But I think that if it happens during the next election (especially if they get caught funding Conservatives) that there will be a pretty big backlash.