Sunday, July 03, 2005

Conservatives celebrate Canada Day

Well, the boys and girls over at Free Dominion are a little unhappy. Which is perhaps not surprising, given recent setbacks to the Conservative cause in Parliament. So, instead of celebrating Canada Day, they are predicting the end of life as we know it. To quote:

Unless something major changes in this country, Canada as we know it will not exist in twenty years. That is a stark reality that many Canadians don't want to face up to, they would rather put their heads in the sand and pretend everything is all right. That is clearly not the case.

This is not an uncommon sentiment these days by conservatives, especially those over at this site. This only amuses me really-- Canada, it appears, is about to end because we aren't American enough. Here's the best part:

This is a failed nation state with no real reason for continued existence. We are wasting 15% or more of our GNP on patronage for people who contribute and produce nothing of value. In return, we get a big red and white flag. Enough already. Let's join the United States and then we truly can say we live in the best country in the world.
One is tempted to respond with something like, "Canada, love it or leave you conservative creeps!" but that would be uncharitable of me. Without this sort around, where would my thesis be? In any case, I had best watch what I say, because apparently the Revolution is coming. Or, erm, would be, if only the Liberals hadn't introduced the gun registry.

I swear. How do these people keep getting in here?


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