Sunday, April 02, 2006

From the "we-didn't-get-enough-last-time" Dept:

Harper, the dear man, has decided that a constitutional conference will be just thing to wake Canadians out of their complacency. I mean, silly boos, the Canadian Citizenry, running around attending to their own business and such. There was such an outcry! I mean, aside from Dalton whimpering about funding every five minutes (something everyone else in the province ignored), who the hell was thinking of one?

But then, he hired a bunch of Mulroney types. So what did we think was going to happen? And with such perfect timing too! Harper and the premiers will put together some idiot compromise, English Canada will reject it (if they get a chance), there will be news reports of some collection of dolts stomping on the Quebec flag again (i.e. See Meech Lake Accord, 1988-1990), just in time to get Quebecois to vote PQ again in 2007. What fun!


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